Even though the government has helped the community by creating a subsidized housing program, there has yet to be effective in solving this problem. In addition to rising house prices, the problem of the difficulty of owning a house for people at this time is also caused by its consumptive nature.

t is difficult for people to adopt a frugal lifestyle and save money to have a dream house. This statement is only partially true because people can live frugally with clear financial goals. The consumptive nature can be minimized when you have strong determination and clear goals.

Here is some tip for you to have your dream house.

1. Setting Goals
Before you start saving, set a goal to save first. Clear goals will prevent us from acting consumptively.
2. Make Up Your Mind
When doing anything, a determination is needed. Steady your heart when you want to save. A unanimous determination will make you focus on one goal and not be distracted by anything.
3. Save 20% Of Your Salary
Every time you receive your salary at the beginning of the month, spend it only on time. Separate 20% of your salary for savings. Stay within your salary after spending it because the remaining nominal will be very little.
4. Make 2 Bank Accounts
Make separate accounts between savings for daily needs and savings for home purchases. Separate accounts make it easier for you to see expenses in detail.
5. Choosing the Right Investment
Apart from savings, you also have to have investments as additional income for your home savings. Choose investments that have low risk and stable profits. Gold, mutual funds, and deposits can be options for investing.

6. Participate in the HOC or KPR Program
Consumptive nature is unavoidable and often arises. In order to prevent this trait, try to participate in the HOC (Home Ownership Credit) program. The mortgage program can be a way for you to buy a home consistently. Currently, many banks provide relatively small interest rates and light installments according to your financial capabilities.
7. Applying a Frugal Lifestyle
You can adopt a frugal lifestyle to increase your income and focus more on saving. You can plan monthly expenses and reduce expenses that you feel are less effective, such as shopping online or shopping.
8. Pay off all installments
Avoid all installments or arrears when you want to save up to buy a house. The goal is to make saving and having a dream house more accessible. Try to pay off all installments before starting to save.

Thus the discussion on how to have a dream home. You can try this method from now on.

Source : 123rumah.com


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