Integrated Governance

As an effort to mitigate risks in financial conglomerate/business group, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) has issued Regulation No. 18/POJK.03/2014 on the Implementation of Integrated Governance for financial conglomerate (Regulation of OJK No. 18/2014). The Regulation is issued with the purpose to create financial service which grows in a sustainable and stable manner and has high competitiveness

Based on Regulation of OJK 18/2014, the ownership/control relationship between financial service providers, in this matter TMT Group, causes the controlling shareholder (TMT) to appoint one Financial Service Institution (LJK) under it to be the Main Entity. The appointment of the Company as the Main Entity is manifested in Letter Number TMT-LGL/081/LL/DIR/III/15 dated 23 March 2015 on the Appointment of the Main Entity by the Controlling Shareholder in the Financial Conglomerate.

The implementation of high standards of corporate governance will make the Financial Service Institution in the conglomerate as a fundamentally and sustainably sound company, capable of managing challenges and highly competitive based on the consistent and sustainable application of principles of governance.

In order to implement the Integrated Governance, as mandated by that OJK Regulation, the Company as the Main Entity has prepared the Guidelines as a reference for the Company and the Financial Service Institution under TMT Group, which have been signed on 21 December 2015. The Guidelines for Integrated Governance should be used as the basic guidelines for the implementation of integrated governance and interaction between financial services agencies belonging to Tiara Marga Trakindo and used to set limitations of authority and responsibilities in the implementation of integrated governance in order that the management can be effective.

As the Main Entity in a financial conglomerate, the Company has complied with the OJK regulations with the establishment of the following:

  1. Integrated Governance Committee (TKT Committee);
  2. Integrated Risk Management Committee (MRT Committee);
  3. Integrated Compliance Work Unit (SKKT);
  4. Terintegrasi Integrated Internal Audit Unit (SKAIT);
  5. Integrated Risk Management Unit (SKMRT).

All of the functions have been established by the Company and the Financial Service Institution under TMT Group.

The implementation of corporate governance is expected to build a strong synergy and business alliance between the Company and the Financial Service Agency under TMT Group in order to give added value to the Financial Conglomerate in a sustainable manner by:

  1. Application of integrated compliance function.
  2. Application of integrated internal audit function.
  3. Application of integrated risk management.